Dewclaw University Wiki
Fanon Character:  This character is recognized as "fan-canon", and is well-known and accepted in the setting as a canon character, but is not an officially endorsed part of the Chakat Universe.

Chakat Sunshine is an officer in Star Fleet, and a member of the F.S.S. Legacy's crew.  Shi is an expert engineer and technophile, with a bouncy happy-go-lucky personality.

Shi has a bleached variant of the typical cougar fur pattern.  The base pelt is more of a blond color, the black stripes on the face are reduced to a light grey, and the tail's black is only a few hairs (effectively missing).  Hir head hair is auburn.


  • Sunshine is loosely based off of Kaylee, from the Firefly/Serenity series and movie... with a touch of Winry Rockbell (from Fullmetal Alchemist) blended in.  Like them, shi's very much a wrench wench.

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